1954 Fender Stratocaster

The 1954 Fender Stratocaster is more than just a guitar – it is a piece of music history, a symbol of the rock music revolution, and an unparalleled masterpiece of craftsmanship. With its sleek, ergonomic design and innovative pickups, it was the first choice for many of the world’s most famous guitarists, including Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, and Stevie Ray Vaughan.

When you hold this guitar in your hands, you immediately feel the love and dedication that has gone into each and every one of its components. The selected ash body is perfectly balanced and offers incredible resonance and sustain, while the maple neck with its V-profile allows for incredibly fast and precise playing.

But what really sets the 1954 Fender Stratocaster apart are its pickups. With their innovative design, they offer an incredibly clear, balanced tone that never gets muddy or distorted even at the highest volume. The neck pickup is warm and singing, the middle pickup has the classic Strat sound, and the bridge pickup is full and growling – together they offer an incredible versatility and dynamic range that allows you to control every tone and nuance of your playing.

When you play this guitar, you will immediately understand why it is so sought after and why it still stands as one of the best guitars of all time. Every chord, every note, every bend is an incomparable experience – a connection between you, your music, and the world around you.

So don’t hesitate – this 1954 Fender Stratocaster is a treasure you can’t afford to miss. With its incredible sound, unparalleled playing feel, and irresistible charisma, it is an unparalleled instrument that will inspire and delight you.

The bridger pickup has been rewound, the pickguard has been repaired, and a humbucker routing has been expertly restored and intentionally left visible.


Weight : 3,24 kg

Price : 72.500 Euro

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